January 5, 2020 thru February 14, 2020
40 Days of Prayer is a church-wide campaign built on six pillars of spiritual growth that will unite us in prayer. We will learn how to pray with more confidence and greater faith than ever before. We all know someone who is struggling with a difficult situation or circumstance. They need a breakthrough in their life. It may be a breakthrough in their marriage, health, finances, job, or an important relationship. You may be facing your own struggles and need a breakthrough in your own life.
Breakthroughs always begin with prayer!
Throughout this campaign we will:
Learn to pray for breakthroughs
Develop a daily habit of prayer
Grow our attendance
Unify our congregation
Experience God's blessings
Each Sunday during the 40 Days of Prayer Campaign I will be preaching a sermon series to help you learn how to develop a powerful prayer life and experience breakthrough in your relationship challenges, financial difficulties, bad habits, health crisis, and many other areas of your life.
Life doesn’t always go as planned. At some point, you’ll face impossible obstacles and barriers — situations that make you think there’s no way this is going to work out. But God wants to help you handle uncertainty when it comes your way. He is ready and willing to give you a breakthrough, but it doesn’t just happen spontaneously; breakthroughs happen when you seek them. And the way you seek them is through prayer.
Throughout the week we will come together in small groups; some will meet at the church, others will host in their homes, some will meet together online. Basically we will come together wherever two or more can meet. Each small group lesson will use a video curriculum and study guide. We will complete the discussion materials for each session, which will include an Outline and Discovery questions.
There is also a Putting It Into Practice section that helps you implement the lessons into your daily life. I am asking all of us to commit to filling out the Daily Prayer Journal section each day.
In our first session, we will look at The Purpose of Prayer, then in session 2 we will examine How to Pray with Confidence. In sessions 3 and 4 we will learn The Pattern for Prayer. In Session 5 we will learn How to Pray for Breakthrough and session 6 will teach you How to Pray in a Crisis. We even have a bonus session: Why Doesn't God Always Answer the First Time I Pray.
Each session we will close our time together by praying as a group and planning our next session.
The lessons in 40 Days of Prayer will help our congregation pray persistently and trust God for everything.
Are you ready for God to add power to your prayer life?
God created you to pray.
Prayer is so simple that even a child can do it. So why is it that we as adults so often struggle to know how to pray? What is the secret to answered prayer ? What are the right words and how long should we keep praying about something ? How can we know God even hears us when we pray ?
Over the next 40 days we're going to focus on your personal prayer life, and we're going to answer these tough questions. When we're finished you will be praying with more confidence and greater faith than ever before.
Before we begin our journey, let me tell you a secret about effective prayer: When you pray, expect God to answer! In other words you can say to Our Heavenly Father: “God, I’m expecting you to answer my prayer because of who you are. You are a faithful God. You are a loving God. You are a compassionate God. I know you will answer my prayer.”
In faith, you can trust that God wants to answer your prayers. The Bible says; “Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.”(Ephesians 3:20 TLB)
God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or dream. I’m excited for you to experience this truth for yourself as you spend more time with God in prayer during our 40 Days of Prayer Campaign.
It’s never too late to begin your journey to a more effective prayer life.
If want to know how you can be part of this experience, please go to our website at grace4grace.org or call us toll free 888-755-GRACE (4723).
Pastor Rip
‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’ (Numbers 6:24-26)