The Cross
The statements from the cross, both by Christ and those around Him, in His last moments on Calvary's Hill, have profound impact upon our lives.
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HOLY WEEK Virtual Service
Sunday Night- “His Clemency” “ Father Forgive Them…” -Luke 23:24
Pastor Tillman
Monday Night- “His Consolation” “…you will be with Me in Paradise.” -Luke 23:24
Pastor Roberts
Tuesday Night “His Compassion” “Woman behold your son...” -John 19:26
Pastor Tillman
Wednesday Night “His Cry” “ …My God, why have You forsaken Me?” -Matt.27:46
Pastor Roberts
Thursday Night “His Character” ”I Thirst” -John 19:28
Pastor Tillman
Friday Night “His Completion” “It is finished!” –John 19:27
Pastor Roberts
Friday Night “His Conclusion” “Father, into Your hands I commend My Spirit” –Luke 23:46
Pastor Tillman
Good Friday
Why is Good Friday Good? Good Friday is good because the price we couldn’t pay got paid and the stain we couldn’t clean got cleaned. Good Friday is good because the world was without hope, but the Lamb was without blemish. Good Friday is good because the worst thing that could ever happen was simultaneously the best thing that would ever happen. Good Friday is good because on that Cross on that day The Good Shepard of the sheep walked through the valley of the shadow of death for us.
Jesus’ resurrection impacts our everyday lives. Our struggles with distraction, anxiety and condemnation are contrasted with the encouragement that, because He lives, we can dance in the radiance of our redeeming savior.
Jesus’ resurrection impacts our everyday lives. Our struggles with distraction, anxiety and condemnation are contrasted with the encouragement that, because He lives, we can dance in the radiance of our redeeming savior.